Best time for sex for succesful pregnancy

shradhaivf IVF & Maternity
Jun 25, 2024By shradhaivf IVF & Maternity

When is the best chance to become pregnant

Pregnancy occurs only during the 'fertile window' of a woman's menstrual cycle. There are several ways to work exercise when ovulating.
The 'fertile window' refers to the period of a woman's menstrual cycle during which pregnancy is probable. The 'fertile window' is determined by the length of each woman's menstrual cycle.

The 'fertile window' includes the day an egg is released from the ovary (ovulation) and the five days prior. Having sex (intercourse) at this time provides you the best chance of becoming pregnant.

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Facts about timing

Ovulation occurs when a mature egg is expelled from the ovary. The egg then travels down the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized. If sperm is present in the fallopian tube when the egg is released, the egg is likely to be fertilized, resulting in an embryo that can develop into a baby.
Pregnancy is technically only feasible if you have sex either 2-4 days before or on the day of ovulation . However, the most fertile days are the three days preceding and including ovulation. Having sex at this time provides you the best chance of becoming pregnant. 

A woman cannot become pregnant during her menstrual cycle 12-24 hours after ovulation since the egg has left the fallopian tube. 
There is basically no possibility of becoming pregnant if you have intercourse before or after the fertile window. 

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How to know when you’re ovulating ?

Ovulation and Body Temperature 

Your basal or resting temperature rises somewhat when you ovulate. Every morning before you get out of bed, check your temperature with a specific thermometer. You are most fertile two to three days before your temperature increases.

Ovulation and Discharge 

Cervical mucus is a sticky fluid produced by the cervix, which is located near the bottom of the uterus. You may notice it as regular vaginal discharge. Right before ovulation, this mucus becomes brighter and thinner, with a slippery consistency similar to egg whites. You may also notice an increase in the volume of discharge.

Myth busting- Women can become pregnant at any time of the month. 

FACT - Woman can only become pregnant for a few days during her menstrual cycle.

Reason -  
Because eggs and sperm have a short lifespan: 
• Sperms live for around five days. • Eggs can only be fertilized for 24 hours (one day) after being discharged from the ovary. 

To generate an embryo, eggs and sperm must come together at the appropriate time.

 What are the chances? 

Having sex as near to ovulation as possible enhances your chances of becoming pregnant.
Having sex on the day of ovulation or two days prior significantly increases your chances of becoming pregnant.
If a woman has intercourse six or more days before ovulation, her chances of becoming pregnant are almost negligible. 

If she had sex five days before ovulation, her chances of conception are roughly 10%. 
If she has intercourse on the day of ovulation or two days before, her chances of becoming pregnant are approximately 30%. 
These are average statistics based on a woman's age.