अब हर घर गूँजेगी किलकारी

Best & most affordable IVF center in Bihar

"Discover hope and expertise at the most advanced fertility center in Patna," Shradha IVF & Maternity a center for excellance in treatment of In vitro fertilization. Experience compassionate care and cutting-edge treatments at Shradha IVF & Maternity. We offer personalized care to help you achieve your dream of becoming a parent by utilizing state-of-the-art facilities and a team of fertility specialists, all under the supervision of Dr. Shradha Chakhaiyar, who is a renowned Infertilty Specialist in Patna.

Explore our comprehensive services, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), also known as Test Tube Baby, intrauterine insemination (IUI), egg freezing, and more. We dedicate ourselves to providing you with the best success rate. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards building your family.
Your journey to parenthood starts here. "We will always strive to be the best IVF center in Bihar with a high success rate.


Facilitation on International Womens Day

✨ निःसंतानता के दर्द को खत्म कर मातृत्व की नई आशा! ✨

हमें गर्व है कि श्रद्धा IVF & Maternity की मुख्य विशेषज्ञ डॉ. श्रद्धा चرخेयर को प्रतिष्ठित दैनिक भास्कर में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस के अवसर पर विशेष रूप से फीचर किया गया है! 🎉📰

🔹 मातृत्व का सपना अब हकीकत बन सकता है!
निःसंतानता सिर्फ एक शारीरिक समस्या नहीं, बल्कि मानसिक और सामाजिक पीड़ा भी होती है। डॉ. श्रद्धा चर्खेयर अपने समर्पित प्रयासों से सैकड़ों जोड़ों को मातृत्व और पितृत्व का सुख दिलाने में सहायक रही हैं। लंदन से अपनी उच्च शिक्षा प्राप्त कर, उन्होंने बिहार में विश्वस्तरीय IVF और प्रसूति सुविधाएं उपलब्ध कराई हैं। 👩‍⚕️💖

🔹 उम्मीद की नई किरण – श्रद्धा IVF & Maternity
हमारा मिशन सिर्फ इलाज नहीं, बल्कि सही मार्गदर्शन और जागरूकता भी है, ताकि हर दंपत्ति सही समय पर सही फैसला ले सके। ✅

👉 आईवीएफ ट्रीटमेंट को किफायती और अधिक प्रभावी बनाने का हमारा प्रयास जारी है!

📢 यदि आप या आपके प्रियजन निःसंतानता से जूझ रहे हैं, तो अब इंतजार न करें! सही समय पर सही सलाह लें और अपने मातृत्व के सफर की शुरुआत करें!

📞 अधिक जानकारी के लिए संपर्क करें: 9162562266
🌐 हमारी वेबसाइट पर जाएं: www.shradhaivf.com

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Featured article on Dainik Bhaskar newspaper


Acheive your dream to motherhood with Shradha IVF & Maternity

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We are regularly updating educational content on factors affecting treatment of infertility, including lifestyle modification, food habits, medication, & treatment options, including IVF. Follow the best IVF center in Bihar
IVF में इंजेक्शन क्यों दिए जाते है?

संकोच नहीं , इलाज कराए 
आपके खुशी के लिए प्रतिबद्ध

डॉक्टर श्रद्धा चखैयार
IVF Specialist 
श्रद्धा IVF & Maternity
निरंजन आरोग्य निकेतन
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Glimpses from medical camp.
Next may be in your city.

संकोच नहीं , इलाज कराए 

आपके खुशी के लिए प्रतिबद्ध

Dr. Shradha Chakhaiyar
IVF specialist
श्रद्धा IVF & Maternity
निरंजन आरोग्य निकेतन
देवारून अपार्टमेंट के पीछे
भिखना पहाड़ी
पटना 4

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Shradha IVF & Maternity, 
Devarun Apartment, Bhikhana Pahari, Patna, Bihar 800004, India
*Book an appointment on +91-091625 62266

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आईये! दर्दरहित सुई से Ivf द्वारा माँ बनने की सपने को साकार करें!

संकोच नहीं , इलाज कराए 
आपके खुशी के लिए प्रतिबद्ध

डॉक्टर श्रद्धा चखैयार
श्रद्धा IVF & Maternity
निरंजन आरोग्य निकेतन
देवारून अपार्टमेंट के पीछे
भिखना पहाड़ी
पटना 4

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#podcast #instagram #shradhaivf #InfertilityTreatment #womenawareness #ivfspecialist #radiogoonj #radio #ivfjourney #couple #prenthood #pregnancyIvf करवाने में क्या खर्चा होता है

𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐭𝐚 𝐤𝐚 𝐀𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥 -
अब हर घर गूंजेगी किलकारी 𝐥𝐥
DR. SHRADHA CHAKHAIYAR MRCOG(London) Gynaecologist) Infertility Expert 
Shradha IVF & Maternity, 
Devarun Apartment, Bhikhana Pahari, Patna, Bihar 800004, India
*Book an appointment on +91-091625 62266

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संकोच नहीं , इलाज कराए 

आपके खुशी के लिए प्रतिबद्ध

डॉक्टर श्रद्धा चखैयार
श्रद्धा IVF & Maternity
निरंजन आरोग्य निकेतन
देवारून अपार्टमेंट के पीछे
भिखना पहाड़ी
पटना 4

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संकोच नहीं , इलाज कराए 

आपके खुशी के लिए प्रतिबद्ध

डॉक्टर श्रद्धा चखैयार
श्रद्धा IVF & Maternity
निरंजन आरोग्य निकेतन
देवारून अपार्टमेंट के पीछे
भिखना पहाड़ी
पटना 4

Website - 





#shradhaivf #ivf #infertility #bihar #ivfsuccess #pregnancy #instagood #patna #hospital #normalbaby #couple #podcasts #womenawarenessperfect reason to give a chance to be parenthood emotions

#shradhaivf #ivf #infertility #bihar #pregnancy #instagood #couple #ivfsuccess #emotionsThis Sunday, three precious IVF babies were born at Shradha IVF & Maternity! 🍼✨ These little miracles have brought hope and immense happiness to their proud parents and our entire team.

Congratulations to the families! ❤️
 If you're dreaming of parenthood, we’re here to help

#shradhaivf #baby ##ivfbaby #sundayborn #ivfsuccessstory #instagood #ivfjourneyEmbryo split into Twins.

#shradhaivf #twinbabies #ivf #ivfsuccess #shortsvideo #embryo #couple #twins #infertility #instagood #hospital🌙 इस रमज़ान, अपने पैरेंटहुड सफर की नई शुरुआत करें!🤰🏻✨

रमज़ान का पाक महीना नई उम्मीदों और खुशियों का प्रतीक है। अगर आप संतान प्राप्ति की राह देख रहे हैं, तो Shradha IVF & Maternity आपके सपनों को साकार करने के लिए हमेशा तैयार है। 

*Hospital Address: DR. SHRADHA CHAKHAIYAR MRCOG(London) Gynaecologist)
Shradha IVF & Maternity, Devarun Apartment, Bhikhana Pahari, Patna, Bihar 800004, India

🔹 निःशुल्क परामर्श बुक करें 📞 9162562266
🔹 वेबसाइट पर जाएं: [www.shradhaivf.com]

🙏#Ramzan #IVFTreatment #ParenthoodJourney #ShradhaIVF #FertilityCare #SantanSukh #FreeConsultation #shradhaivf #ivf #infertility #ivfsuccess #ramzan #prenthood #ramdaan #ramdaanspecial❤️ 

इस पोस्ट को शेयर करें और संतान सुख की रोशनी हर घर तक पहुँचाएं!💙🌸 हमारे सफर की प्यारी यादें! 🌸

श्रद्धा IVF & मैटरनिटी में हर सफर खास होता है, क्योंकि यहाँ सिर्फ उपचार नहीं, उम्मीदें भी जन्म लेती हैं। 💕 यह स्क्रैपबुक हमारी प्रिय मरीजों की यादों का संग्रह है – उनकी खुशियाँ, संघर्ष और जीत की कहानियाँ! 📖✨

आपकी मुस्कान हमारी सबसे बड़ी प्रेरणा है! 😊💖 अगर आप भी पेरेंटहुड के इस सफर में हैं, तो हम आपके साथ हैं। आइए, मिलकर नए सपनों को साकार करें! 🌼

📍 श्रद्धा IVF & मैटरनिटी – आपकी खुशहाल मातृत्व यात्रा का साथी!

#IVFSuccess #MaternityMemories #ShradhaIVF #InfertilityTreatment #ParenthoodJourney #IVFPatna #fertilitycare #shradhaivf @shradhachakhaiyar

**🎉 Big News! 🎉**

We’re excited to announce that Dr. Shradha Chakhaiyar, our leading consultant at Shradha IVF & Maternity, has been honored with the **Aspiring Women Award** from Hindustan - the leading newspaper of Bihar! 🏆✨

This award honors her incredible work and dedication in helping families grow. We’re so proud of Dr. Shradha and grateful for the amazing care she provides.

Come see why Shradha IVF & Maternity is the trusted name in fertility and maternity care in Bihar!

Full video of the award


Welcome to Shradha IVF & Maternity, where hope, compassion, and expertise converge under the exceptional guidance of Dr. Shradha Chakhaiyar (MRCOG, London), a leading obstetrician and gynecologist in Patna, Bihar, with a special interest in infertility.

Dr. Shradha Chakhaiyar began her illustrious career as an obstetrician and gynecologist, gaining invaluable experience at several renowned maternity centers across India. She has served as the Director and Head of Department at Nirajan Aarogya Niketan & Research Center a leading medical hospital in Patna. Throughout her journey in reproductive health, Dr. Chakhaiyar witnessed the profound psychological and physiological challenges faced by couples struggling with infertility.

With a strong desire to assist these couples, Dr. Chakhaiyar dedicated her life to the field of infertility. Her mission is to deliver the best and most economical infertility treatments, guiding couples through the often difficult journey of parenting. She has a strong educational history, including MBBS, DGO, and MRCOG (London), and has established a reputation as a compassionate and skilled IVF specialist.

Dr. Shradha Chakhaiyar’s commitment to her patients and her expertise in infertility treatment are nothing short of inspiring. She has become a symbol of hope for people who are having trouble getting pregnant because she provides complete care, cutting-edge methods, and a caring approach. Her extensive knowledge and experience in reproductive medicine make her a sought-after expert in Patna, providing cutting-edge IVF treatment in Patna and personalized care at Shradha IVF & Maternity, which has world-class IVF fertility standards.

Shradha IVF Entrance

Fertility Clinic Services

Infographic illustrating IVF process steps in Hindi with iconography and contact details for an infertility expert.

Advanced Fertility Treatments

Personalized Fertility Care

Personalized Fertility Care

Illustration of in vitro fertilization with male and female silhouettes, test tubes, and cells.

Comprehensive Fertility Testing

Black and white shot of a pregnant couple undergoing ultrasound scanning at the gynecologist office pregnancy healthcare maternity family unborn children technology doctor clinical medicine

Fertility Counseling Services

The process of artificial insemination in IVF clinic. Hands doctor in blue rubber gloves produce chemical manipulation in the laboratory with a microscope, tubes, nitrogen

Egg Freezing Options

Infertility Doctor preparing for examination

Male Infertility

Google Review

Always aspiring to improve & your fed back means a lot.

We are dedicated to serving humanity by providing the best available & advanced IVF infertility treatment in Bihar.

It is a good hospital. Cleanliness is good. All the staff are cooperative.

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adil hussain

adil hussain

11 days ago

Had a wonderful experience here and I surely going to recommend this place to everyone,when I came here I almost lost my hope but Dr Shradha helps me through his wonderful treatment and now I am fully satisfied and happy

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Payal Kumari

Payal Kumari

22 days ago

Alhamdulillah, Docter and all staff is doing very best. We are very happy . And God bless all staff and docter team. Thank you

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Yasmine Khatoon

Yasmine Khatoon

1 month ago

The hospital service was excellent, and the staff was very polite and caring. Everything was well-managed, clean, and smooth. A great place for good healthcare!

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Rohit Raj

Rohit Raj

2 months ago

Having a great experience doctor like shraddha IVF& Maternity is best. They provide their best facilities to their patients.

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Navin Kumar

Navin Kumar

2 months ago

Doctors consultation was good .... and the staff are very cooperative regarding us. Conceiving process are fine.....that doesn't took very much time.....I got conceived within a month . I'm very thankful to Shardha Mam .

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Akanksha Vaishnavi

Akanksha Vaishnavi

2 months ago

Explore Personalized care at best IVF Center at Patna Shradha IVF & Maternity: Bihar's Premier Fertility Solution for In vitro fertilization

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IVF Patna @ Shradha IVF & Maternity-Best IVF Center in Patna